Plantar Fasciitis & Heel Pain


Heel Pain Belfast

Struggling with Heel Pain?

Every step you take shouldn’t come with discomfort or pain. Whether it’s the first step in the morning or during a stroll in the park, we understand how heel pain can impact your quality of life. We have over 12 years of experience helping patients who struggling just like you.

We will guide your through your assessment and diagnosis, explaining exactly what the issue is and personalising your treatment plan. You will leave with a clear plan of action and confidence that we will get you where you need to be.

Common Causes of Heel Pain:
Plantar Fasciitis

Inflammation of the thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot.

Overuse injury of the Achilles tendon.

Calcium deposits causing bony protrusion on the underside of the heel bone.

Stress fractures, bursitis, tarsal tunnel syndrome, and more.


Our Treatment Approach

Personalized Assessment:

Our specialists conduct a thorough evaluation to pinpoint the exact cause of your heel pain. We use an ultrasound scanner to determine the diagnosis, severity and importantly guide us without guessing to what type of treatment is required.

From advanced physical therapy to shockwave treatments and specialist custom orthotics, we utilise the latest methodologies to bring you relief.

We don’t just treat symptoms. Our holistic approach ensures you understand and can prevent the causes of your pain in the future.


Experts In Heel Pain

We have invested in  Shockwave Therapy and technology including ultrasound, force plates, 3D gait analysis and our own in-clinic fully 3D custom orthotic manufacturing (game changer!).
A ‘Lower Limb Injury Assessment’ should be your assessment of choice. 
NOT ALL HEEL PAIN IS THE SAME – You need an in-depth assessment first of all to design a bespoke treatment plan for YOUR condition! 

Heel Pain Assessment

Once your heel pain has been assessed we can plan out your treatment using the latest evidence-based approach.

We have all the latest tools to assess and treat. Our skilled staff members regularly attend CPD updates and will provide you with the best care and advice. 

At Lower Limb we believe that every person deserves the right to be able to move without pain or restriction. Get booked, let the experts take care of you and get you back with a spring in your step! 

Gait Analysis Belfast
Shockwave Treatment

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common foot conditions that we see in a podiatry clinic. It is typically described by patients as pain at the heel first thing in the morning or after rest. It can also be insidious and often described as getting worse towards the end of the day.


Our Treatment Approach

Accurate diagnosis is essential to effective treatment outcomes. Most cases can be diagnosed by your symptoms.

At Lower-limb we take this process much further and assess the structure of the plantar fascia using diagnostic ultrasound.

A normal, healthy plantar fascia should be approx 4mm in thickness at the base of the heel.

Using ultrasound we can assess for rupture, tears and degeneration. Scar tissue in the plantar fascia is common in stubborn cases that have lasted for longer than 3 months. The plantar fascia in these cases can measure much thicker than 4mm and therefore the treatment plan needs adjusted.

Once we have scanned your foot we need to complete a biomechanics and gait analysis to rule out any gait related problems. Many cases of plantar fasciitis are caused by poor foot mechanics.

We assess this using by a digital gait analysis, where the patient walks on a treadmill for approx 4-5 minutes with gait sensors that provides us with accurate data of your walk. We are able to quickly and reliably assess your biomechanics from the hip down and determine the underlying issues.

Reach us out

Step Towards Optimal Foot Health

Book your consultation today and let us help you take the first step toward a lasting solution.